Precision in detail

Measuring and control technology needs to deliver high performance. That includes precise sensing. In this way, liquid media can be metered with absolute precision. ProMinent experts are passionate about industrial process engineering. They use a combination of research and expertise to develop pioneering innovations. If they set new standards in quality and reliability, all the better.

Strong together

When all the components work together, everything runs smoothly. The metering pump, controller and sensor are designed to work optimally together, forming an integral control circuit for fault-free operation with maximum safety. This increases the quality of your products, saves energy and conserves resources.

Product groups


Where intelligent metering is called for, measuring and control are needed too. Because the spectrum of applications is so huge, ProMinent keeps a wide selection of controllers in stock.

Measuring and Test Systems

If ProMinent pumps are the heart of a system, ProMinent measuring and test systems are the brain. ProMinent refers to the use of measuring and control technology in liquid metering as ‘intelligent metering’.

Panel-Mounted Measuring and Control Systems

With application-based ordering, ProMinent panel-mounted measuring and control systems of the DULCOTROL® product range are also fully assembled, quickly preconfigured and ready for immediate use.


Online measuring parameters enable accurate measuring without you having to stand next to the system. The ProMinent product family DULCOTEST® has all the choice you need.


ProMinent transmitters make metering ‘intelligent’. These humble-looking components are in fact the brains of the metering pump.